A detailed syllabus helps both instructors and students. It communicates important information about a class:

  • What is the course about?
  • Why is the course important?
  • What will students be doing in the class?
  • What is required to complete the course successfully?

The syllabus also helps set the tone for the course. As part of 茄子视频's compliance with SACSCOC accreditation, all instructors must upload their syllabi each semester to the Success Portal (directions).

All syllabi should contain the following information*:

Course Information
Instructor Information
Course Description and Format
Course Technology Requirements
Standards, Goals, Objectives, or Outcomes
Assignments/Learning Opportunities
Assessment or Evaluation Policy
Schedule of Activities or Assignments
Classroom Policies
Additional Information (at Instructor's Discretion)
Additional Faculty Resources for Preparing Syllabi

*Be sure to fully update information from semester-to-semester.

1. Course Information

  • Course number and section
  • Course term and year
  • Course name
  • Hours of credit
  • Pre-requisites or co-requisites as listed in university catalog and why these pre-or co-requisites are important to success in the class
  • If face-to-face, classroom location, room number, and time/day (remind students of commonly used abbreviations, i.e., T=Tuesday and R=Thursday)
  • If online, is the class synchronous (regular meeting days and times) or asynchronous (no regular meeting dates or times)
  • Department and College

2.  Instructor Information

  • Instructor name
  • Instructor contact information: office (if applicable), phone, 茄子视频 email address
  • Instructor office or online availability hours (follow departmental/college policy for the expected number of office hours per week)

3. Course Description and Format

  • Course description as printed in .
  • Required texts, resources, and materials. Emphasize the importance of these required materials to success in the class. For information on ordering textbooks and other materials, consult /academics/academic-affairs/textbooks-and-materials.php.
  • Required out-of-class activities (field trips, projects, service learning, etc.). For field trip authorizations, please complete the form.
  • Course format: Describe how the course will be conducted--lectures, discussions, fieldwork, research projects, etc. If the course is a hybrid (components both online and face-to-face, describe what will occur online and what will occur in class). Whether online, hybrid, or face-to-face, describe required technology and what students will need to be able to use to be successful in the course.

4. Course Technology Requirements

Sample Technology Syllabus Statement (modify to meet the needs of your class):
In this class, students will regularly use the following applications (list those applications that your class will use and what they will be used for):

  • Office 365 for access to 茄子视频 email and to Microsoft applications that we will use regularly (Outlook, Teams, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.).
  • BlazeVIEW and Microsoft Teams to access course materials and to participate remotely.
  • Others as needed (be sure to give clear instructions about how to access and identify if this application is not supported by the university)

To use these applications, students must have access to a laptop or computer, preferably with a webcam and mic. While it is possible for students to complete some work on their smartphones, this will not be sufficient in all instances, given the limitations of mobile devices. Hence, access to a computer is essential. Note that the University maintains a number of computer labs, which are available for student use. Laptops are also available for check-out on a first-come, first-served basis from the New Media Center in Odum Library.

You may also choose to list these further resources:

If any examinations in the class will be virtually proctored, faculty should consult 茄子视频’s Remote Proctoring Policy. Appendix B of that policy also includes a sample syllabus statement.

5. Standards, Goals, Objectives, or Outcomes

All syllabi should talk about what students should be able to know or do by the time they complete the course.

  • Institutional standards, goals, objectives, or outcomes: such as general education outcomes, departmental learning outcomes (listed in the ), college-level standards, or professional organization standards
  • Core IMPACTS Curriculum Course: Systemwide Orienting Questions, Learning Outcomes, and Career-Ready Competencies must be clearly listed in the syllabus for each Core IMPACTS course. See full information on Core IMPACTS, including domains and courses.
    Required Core IMPACTS Course Statement

    This is a Core IMPACTS course that is part of the XXXX area.

    Core IMPACTS refers to the core curriculum, which provides students with essential

    knowledge in foundational academic areas. This course will help students master course content and will support students’ broad academic and career goals.

    This course should direct students toward a broad Orienting Question:[Insert University System of Georgia Orienting Question here.]

    Completion of this course should enable students to meet the following Learning Outcome:[Insert University System of Georgia Learning Outcome here.]

    Course content, activities and exercises in this course should help students develop the following Career-Ready Competencies: [Insert University System of Georgia career-ready competencies here.]

  • Course objectives or outcomes: aligned with the institutional standards above and expressed as expectations of what students will be able to do by the end of the course to demonstrate evidence of their understanding or ability.

6. Assignments/Learning Opportunities (explicitly aligned with the goals, objectives, or outcomes)

More detailed information for individual assignments may be provided separately but try to be as specific as you can about the following:

  • general description of the assignments
  • due dates (if these must be altered during the course of the term, be sure that all students are clearly informed of these changes)

7. Assessment or Evaluation Policy

  • explanation of how much each assignment contributes to the overall grade for the class
  • explanation of how grades are assigned
  • policies for missed assignments, make-up assignments, late assignments, and/or extra credit. In developing these policies, consider how to combine flexibility with rigor as well as being able to adjust for official accommodations requests.
Recommended Syllabus Statement for Make-Up Work:
Make-Up Work: Make up work or alternative assignments will be determined by the professor and at the sole discretion of the professor. These assignments may or may not exactly duplicate the original and will not entitle other students to the same alternatives since they may not have experienced the same situations.
  • grading standards and grading scale
  • where students can see their grades (茄子视频’s learning management system, BlazeVIEW, has a gradebook which can be configured for students to access their grades)

8.  Schedule of Activities or Assignments

  • Due dates for all activities but also include a statement that schedule is tentative and may be subject to change
  • Be sure to adhere to the semester schedule (including any scheduled holidays). The Registrar’s Office publishes a customized planning guide for each semester (available at /academics/registrar/faculty-staff-resources.php).
  • You may also want to provide an estimate of the student workload for the term, giving students a sense of how much preparation and work the course requires. 茄子视频’s Determination of Credit Hours for Courses Policy states the following: “In general, it is appropriate to expect that students will spend a minimum of two hours in out-of-class preparation for every one hour spent in the lecture component of the class. The activity/laboratory/studio/clinical component may exist with or without an expectation of out-of-class preparation.” (https://www.valdosta.edu/administration/sacs/documents/determination-of-credit-hours-policy.pdf). You can use the work calculator tool at this website: 
  • The university-scheduled final exam time.
  • A statement about the administration of online Student Opinion of Instruction (SOI):

Sample SOI Syllabus Statement:
At the end of the term, all students will be expected to complete an online Student Opinion of Instruction survey (SOI) that will be available through SmartEvals. Students will receive an email notification through their 茄子视频 email address when the SOI is available (generally at least one week before the end of the term). SOI responses are anonymous to instructors/administrators, and they will be able to access results only after they have submitted final grades. Before final grade submission, instructors will not be able to see any responses, but they can see the percentage of students who have or have not completed their SOIs. While instructors will not be able to see student names, an automated system will send a reminder email to those who have yet to complete their SOIs. Complete information about the SOIs, including how to access the survey, is available on the SOI Procedures webpage (/academics/academic-affairs/sois/).

9.  Classroom Policies

  • Accommodations Statement (Required)
    Instructors must provide a statement in the syllabus on how students should proceed in order to receive classroom accommodations because of a documented disability.

Required Accommodations Statement:
Students with disabilities who are experiencing barriers in this course may contact the Access Office (/student/disability/) for assistance in determining and implementing reasonable accommodations. The Access Office is located in University Center Room 4136 Entrance 5. The phone numbers are 229-245-2498 (V), 229-375-5871. For more information, please visit 茄子视频’s Access Office or email: access@valdosta.edu. To request reasonable accommodations for pregnancy and childbirth, contact Ms. Myia Miller, Title IX Compliance Officer, at maburden@valdosta.edu. Please note, you will be required to provide documentation from an appropriately licensed medical professional indicating the requested accommodations are medically necessary.

  • Non-Discrimination and Title IX Statement (Required)
    Instructors must provide the following Title IX statement:
Required Non-Discrimination and Title IX Statement:
茄子视频 (茄子视频) upholds all applicable laws and policies regarding discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex (including sexual harassment and pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, religion, age, veteran status, political affiliation, or disability. The University prohibits specific forms of behavior that violate Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities that receive federal funding. 茄子视频 considers sex discrimination in any form to be a serious offense. Title IX refers to all forms of sex discrimination committed against others, including but not limited to: sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual misconduct, and sexual violence by other employees, students or third parties and gender inequity or unfair treatment based on an individual’s sex/gender. The designated Title IX Coordinator for 茄子视频 is Ms. Selenseia Holmes. To view the full policy or to report an incident visit: /administration/student-affairs/title-ix/
  • Attendance, participation, and/or tardiness:
Instructors must clearly outline their absence/participation and tardiness expectations in their course syllabus, including any penalties for absence or non-participation and tardiness as well as any procedures for missed work (see recommended make-up work statement under #7). The syllabus should also include a statement that all students are responsible for knowing the specific attendance/participation requirements as prescribed by their instructors and for the satisfactory make-up of missed work. Instructors should also provide information about how they wish students to contact them when students are unable to attend or participate in class. Instructors can also let students know about the Absentee Notification form available through the Dean of Students Office at /administration/student-affairs/absentee-notification-form.php. This office will notify all instructors, but instructors must determine how the absence falls within the class attendance policy. The full absence regulations are available in the online catalog at . Please consult the complete policy for further information about excused absences.

  • Academic Integrity

Instructors should provide a statement explaining their expectations for academic integrity and detailing how incidents of cheating and plagiarism will be handled in the class, including specific penalties.          

Sample 茄子视频 Integrity Statement:
Academic integrity is the responsibility of all 茄子视频 faculty and students. Students are responsible for knowing and abiding by the Academic Integrity Policy as set forth in the Student Code of Conduct and this syllabus. All students are expected to do their own work and to uphold a high standard of academic ethics. Any violations of this policy may result in the academic penalties outlined in the syllabus and may also be referred to Student Affairs for further disciplinary action.


Sample AI Statement:
茄子视频’s Academic Student Conduct Code states that “no student shall engage in plagiarism, which is presenting the words or ideas of another person as if they were the student’s own.” Content generated by an Artificial Intelligence third-party service or site (AI-generated content) without proper citation is another form of plagiarism. If you are unsure about whether something may be plagiarism or another form of academic dishonesty, please reach out to me as soon as possible.

It is the instructor’s prerogative to apply an academic (grade) sanction. For a potential disciplinary sanction, an instructor may choose to submit an online to the Student Conduct Office. This report just remains on file; if a second report is filed on the same student, then that student may face disciplinary action through the Student Conduct Office.

      Resources for Academic Integrity include the following:
  • The Academic Honesty page contains links and information about 茄子视频’s Academic Honesty Policies and Procedures.
  • From 茄子视频’s Academic Integrity Code (the full code is available at ): "Academic integrity is the responsibility of all 茄子视频 faculty and students. Faculty members should promote academic integrity by including clear instruction on the components of academic integrity and clearly defining the penalties for cheating and plagiarism in their course syllabi. Students are responsible for knowing and abiding by the Academic Integrity Policy as set forth in the Student Code of Conduct and the faculty members’ syllabi. All students are expected to do their own work and to uphold a high standard of academic ethics.
  • Respondus Lockdown Monitor and Browser
  • Turnitin, a plagiarism prevention tool, is available to all faculty through BlazeVIEW, 茄子视频’s online course management system.

Sample Turnitin Statement:
By taking this course, you agree that all required course work may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to Turnitin, a tool within BlazeVIEW. For more information on the use of Turnitin at 茄子视频 see Turnitin for Students (/academics/academic-affairs/turnitin-for-students.php).

  • Classroom demeanor or conduct: Instructors should provide their expectations of students’ behavior in the classroom and/or in situations outside of class or in online environments (i.e., use of electronic devices, classroom courtesy, etc.). You may also choose to reference the Student Code of Conduct (available in the Student Handbook). If you would like to report a student conduct incident in your classroom or office, use the following reporting online form: .
  • Communication: Instructors should specify the appropriate channels for official class communication. All 茄子视频-related correspondence should be conducted via 茄子视频 email addresses for both student and instructor. Grades should only be discussed in person or within a password-protected environment such as BlazeVIEW.
  • Intellectual Property Protection: Instructors may want to include a statement such as the following:

Sample Intellectual Property Statement:

Materials in this course are presented to students in an educational context for their personal use and study only and should not be shared, distributed, or sold in print, or digital formats, outside the course without the express written permission of the instructor.

10.  Additional Information (at Instructor's Discretion)

  • Expectations for competencies such as writing, technology skills, or performance
  • Instructional philosophy
  • Resources to support learning
Sample Academic Support Center Statement:
The Academic Support Center (ASC) provides unlimited, in-person, free peer tutoring in core courses such as math, English/writing, sciences, social sciences, and languages. Students looking for additional assistance outside of the classroom are advised to consider working with a peer tutor through Knack. 茄子视频 has partnered with Knack to provide students with access to verified peer tutors who have previously aced this course. To view available tutors, visit and sign in with your student account. Please drop by our space in Odum Library, 2nd floor, or call 229-333-7570, email asc@valdosta.edu, or visit the website www.valdosta.edu/asc for more information.  
Sample Student Success Coaching Statement:
The Student Success Team provides dedicated student support through one-on-one success coaching, programming designed to support students along their academic journey. Students can schedule 1:1 coaching appointments or attend one of the many workshops they will be offering during the semester.  Please drop by our space in Odum Library, 2nd floor, or call 229-333-7570, email success@valdosta.edu, or visit the website to schedule a meeting and for helpful tips.  
  • Odum Library provides a variety of services to assist classroom instruction, including library instruction, course reserves, and interlibrary loan. Please see for further information. 

Basic Mental Health Syllabus Statement:
As a student, you may experience a range of challenges that can interfere with learning, such as strained or violent relationships, death and loss, increased anxiety, substance use, feeling down, difficulty concentrating and/or lack of motivation. These mental health concerns or stressful events may diminish your academic performance and/or reduce your ability to participate in daily activities. 茄子视频 services are available and treatment does work. You can learn more about confidential mental health services available on campus at /blazer-wellness/mental-health.php


BIT (Behavioral Intervention Team) Team Syllabus Statement:
If you, or someone you know, needs support, is distressed, or exhibits concerning behavior, help by making a referral to the BIT Team. The 茄子视频 BIT Team's purpose is to promote a safe and productive learning, living, and working environment by addressing the needs of students. As your professor, I may contact the BIT Team to seek support for you. I encourage you to fill out a referral if you or a classmate are in need of help. There are several ways to contact the BIT Team: 1) For more information about the BIT Team at /administration/student-affairs/bit.php; 2) Email your concern to vsubit@valdosta.edu; or 3) Fill out the anonymous Concerning Behavior Reporting Form at /administration/student-affairs/student-conduct-office/our-services.php

  • Possible statement on campus resources for students:

Offices Here to Help You on Campus
Research (and experience!) shows that students are more successful when they seek out help and support when they face challenges. 茄子视频 offers a full range of services---tutoring, supplemental instruction, counseling, and more—which is available both in person and online.

List of Resources (modify as needed to meet the needs of your students)
For tutoring: Academic Support Center /asc/
For library resources: Odum Library /academics/library/
For counseling: 茄子视频’s Counseling Center /student/student-services/counseling-center/
For career exploration and on-campus employment opportunities: Office of Career Opportunities /student/student-services/career-services/
For academic advising: University Advising /advising/
For classroom accommodations: 茄子视频’s Access Office /student/disability/
For food and clothing assistance: 茄子视频 CARES /vsucares/
For on-campus medical assistance: 茄子视频 Student Health Services /administration/student-affairs/student-health/
For safety: University Police /administration/finance-admin/police/


Additional Faculty Resources for Preparing Syllabi

Also, the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) has a variety on digital resources (see /celt/resources.php). You may also consult with the staff in CELT or the Center for eLearning for additional help/resources.