Remote Proctoring Policy

Appendix A: Respondus Monitor

Appendix B: Sample Syllabus Statement for Respondus LockDown Browser with Monitor

Appendix C: Student Guidance on Using Respondus Monitor or Other Remote Proctoring Software Effectively

Appendix D: On-Site Test Options

Appendix E: Respondus Consent Form

Appendix F: Respondus Monitor Data Privacy Overview

Appendix A: Respondus Monitor

Respondus Monitor is a fully automated proctoring solution that enables students to take online exams at any time of the day or night, without pre-scheduling. It is an add-on to the Respondus Lockdown Browser and serves as a deterrent to students using secondary computers, phones, calculators, textbooks, or receiving assistance from other students. Respondus Monitor is suitable for high-stakes exams that require student monitoring.

Students use an internal or external webcam to record themselves during an exam; optionally, instructors may activate the screen capture feature to record the student’s screen while testing. A "startup sequence" guides them through requirements selected by the instructor, such as showing identification or making a short video of the exam environment. Only the instructor can review video recordings and the results of the proctoring session.

Powerful analytics are used to detect suspicious behaviors during an exam session. Video segments with potential exam violations are flagged for the instructor, with an overall risk level assigned to the exam session. After a student has taken an exam, instructors can review sessions to check for any suspect behavior. Additional information regarding Respondus Monitor can be found on the . Note: Respondus Monitor creates a video of each for the instructor to review at a later time. It is not a remote live proctoring program.

Watch the describing how to set up an exam to use Respondus LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor.

Using Respondus Monitor – Instructor Resources

These resources will help instructors quickly learn how to use Respondus LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor.

Respondus Proctoring Resources Module

The Respondus Proctoring Resources Module was developed to simplify the implementation of 茄子视频’s remote proctoring policy. It contains a sample syllabus statement and two BlazeVIEW quizzes: a Remote Proctoring Consent Form quiz and a Respondus Practice Quiz.

The module is a zipped Brightspace package that can be imported directly into your BlazeVIEW course. Click on the and download the zipped file. Then, follow the steps to .

Best Practices for Using Respondus Monitor

  • Communicate to students at the onset that your course requires Respondus Monitor for one or more exams.
  • When setting up examinations in BlazeVIEW, add paging options so students will be able to save responses more frequently (in case the network connection is lost).
  • Do not use Respondus Monitor for exams where students may be working on one question for an extended period of time (such as an essay exam) because Respondus may time out.
  • Poll students in advance of the scheduled exam to determine if they have the technology required to use Respondus Monitor. If students do not have the appropriate technology, they can explore checking out equipment with the New Media Center or travel to a location with internet access.
    • Webcam: Internal or External
    • Microphone
    • System Platform: Windows, Mac, or iPad
    • Broadband Internet Connection
  • Provide a link within your course for students to download Lockdown Browser.
  • Ensure your exams using Respondus Monitor run smoothly by incorporating a practice quiz.
  • Create an ungraded practice quiz that requires the use of Respondus LockDown Browser, Respondus Monitor, and a webcam. Have students take this quiz on a date (at least 2-3 days) prior to the first proctored exam.
  • Leave the practice quiz available for the duration of the course, with unlimited attempts so that students can check their setup from a different computer.
  • Direct students to use the Help Center before each exam. With LockDown Browser open, log into the course and select the Help Center button the toolbar. From there, run the Webcam Check and the System Check to make sure everything is working correctly. If a problem is indicated, students can search for a solution in the Knowledge Base. If your students require additional assistance, advise them to submit a ticket to . Students can share the response from Respondus to document any problems.

System Requirements []

Respondus LockDown Browser must be installed on the computer you will be using to take the quiz. Visit the eLearning Respondus webpage to confirm your computer meets the system requirements for using Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor. For instructions on how to install the Respondus LockDown Browser, see the .

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Appendix B: Sample Syllabus Statement for Respondus LockDown Browser with Monitor

NOTE: If you use a different proctoring tool in your course, you must provide similar information in your syllabus.  

Using LockDown Browser and a Webcam for Online Exams

To help ensure academic integrity, this course requires the use of LockDown Browser and a webcam for online exams. The webcam can be built into your computer or can be the type that plugs in with a USB cable. Watch this to get a basic understanding of LockDown Browser and the webcam feature. A student is also available.


Respondus LockDown Browser must be installed on the computer you will use to take the quiz. Visit the eLearning Respondus webpage to confirm your computer meets the system requirements for using Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor. For instructions on how to install the Respondus LockDown Browser, see the

NOTE: Respondus LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor may not function properly on devices or networks with institutional security settings managed by third-party organizations. For students who can access 茄子视频’s campus, appropriate devices such as laptops and webcams can be checked out from Odum Library’s New Media Center (NMC). The NMC is located on the 1st floor of Odum Library, room 1240. Their hours of operation and equipment loan procedures and policies are available on the New Media Center website. Alternatively, students may reserve rooms in the NMC or utilize any open study rooms outside the NMC that may meet their needs. For more information about Study Rooms, visit  and check the Library Hours of Operation.

Additionally, if you plan to use Respondus Monitor on a 茄子视频 campus computer, such as 茄子视频’s Odum Library’s lab computers, you will not need to download or install Lockdown Browser, instead select “Launch” when prompted. Computers that support Respondus Monitor are located in room 3250 of Odum Library. 

Respondus Consent Form

You will need to complete the Respondus Consent form during the first week of class and then, if you consent to use Respondus, you must complete the practice quiz to test your equipment. The class will have a test run with the system during <instructors indicate practice test availability here.>

If you are unable to access the appropriate equipment or if prefer to use an on-site testing option, further information is available on the Respondus Consent Quiz in BlazeVIEW.

If you experience technical difficulties prior to beginning your Respondus test, contact your instructor and eLearning. For technical difficulties during your proctored examination, contact Respondus Technical Support and your instructor immediately.

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Appendix C: Student Guidance on Using Respondus Monitor or Other Remote Proctoring Software Effectively

  • Remember that LockDown Browser will prevent you from accessing other websites or applications; you will be unable to exit the test until all questions are completed and submitted.
  • Reinstall Respondus LockDown Browser each semester to make sure you have the most current version.
  • Select a location with a strong, consistent signal where you are comfortable having a video recording taken of yourself and your workspace environment. This area should also be free of distractions and interruptions.
  • Turn off all other devices (e.g. tablets, phones, second computers) and place them outside of your reach.
  • Clear your desk of all external materials not permitted — books, papers, other devices.
  • Before starting the test, know how much time is available for it, and that you've allotted sufficient time to complete it.
  • Remain at your device for the duration of the test.
  • If the computer or networking environment is different than what was used previously with the Webcam Check and System & Network Check in LockDown Browser, run the checks again prior to starting the test.
  • To produce a good webcam video, do the following:
    • Avoid wearing baseball caps or hats with brims
    • Ensure your device is on a firm surface (a desk or table). Do NOT have the computer on your lap, a bed, or other surface where the device (or you) are likely to move
    • If using a built-in webcam, avoid tilting the screen after the webcam setup is complete
    • Take the exam in a well-lit room and avoid backlighting, such as sitting with your back to a window

Remember that LockDown Browser will prevent you from accessing other websites or applications; you will be unable to exit the test until all questions are completed and submitted.


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Appendix D: On-Site Test Options

For students who can travel to 茄子视频’s campus, 茄子视频’s Office of Testing has some limited availability to allow online students to be tested onsite in the office; as the instructor, you can use this form for scheduling time [Online Class Proctor Request Form] while students should use the .

Similarly, if students can travel to campus and require special accommodations because of a documented disability, they may request testing by the 茄子视频 Access Office using the Proctoring Request Form.

Students unable to travel to 茄子视频’s campus may be able to find a testing center in their area by consulting the . Other educational testing centers may also be available in the student’s area. Students should be aware that they may incur additional costs by using one of these options.

For any on-site testing options, students must register early in order to assure availability during the testing window stated on the syllabus.

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Appendix E: Respondus Consent Form

NOTE: If you use a different proctoring tool in your course, you must provide a similar consent form.

茄子视频 uses Respondus LockDown Browser with Monitor to ensure academic integrity while testing. Respondus Monitor is a fully automated proctoring solution that enables students to take online exams any time of the day or evening without pre-scheduling. Students use an internal or external webcam to record themselves during an exam; optionally, instructors may activate the screen capture feature to record the student’s screen while testing. A "startup sequence" guides the student through requirements selected by the instructor, such as showing identification or making a short video of the exam environment. Only the instructor can review video recordings and the results of the proctoring session.

Because at 茄子视频, safeguarding your student information is a top priority, we believe it's crucial for students to understand when and how their data is being used; therefore, students must provide written consent for online remote proctoring at the start of each semester.

  1. Question 1
    I understand that my instructor has chosen to administer proctored examinations in this class, and that Respondus Monitor is the tool this class will use for online proctored exams.
    Yes No
  2. Question 2
    Online proctoring may include video monitoring, screen capture, ID verification, and a room scan as part of the test session. This room scan verifies my testing space is free of any unauthorized materials or persons to ensure the integrity of the test session. The entire session will be recorded.
    I agree to this process.
    Yes No
    If you answered NO to the question above, you must consult with your instructor about testing options either at 茄子视频’s Testing Office or at an off-campus testing center. You will be responsible for identifying a testing center in your location (through the National College Testing Association) and for providing the necessary information to your instructor so materials and instructions can be submitted to that site.
    I agree to consult with my instructor and follow these instructions. I also realize that extra costs may be involved.
    Yes No
    If you answered YES to the question above, proceed to the Respondus Practice Quiz.

Respondus Practice Quiz

NOTE: If you use a different proctoring tool in your course, you must provide a practice quiz.

This quiz/exam/test requires Respondus LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor. Before attempting this quiz, verify that your computer meets the system requirements by referring to the information and instructions in the course syllabus. Next, complete the Respondus Practice Quiz to confirm your settings. Contact to resolve any problems before starting this quiz.

If you encounter any problems during the quiz, contact and . Then, email your instructor about the problem you encountered and include the Respondus ticket number in your message.

(Correct answer for each question is True)

  1. Question 1 (1 point)
    I checked my computer settings to confirm that it is compatible with Respondus.
    True False
  2. Question 2 (1 point)
    I am using Google Chrome as my browser.
    True False
  3. Question 3 (1 point)
    I was able to download and install Respondus LockDown Browser.
    True False
  4. Question 4 (1 point)
    I know how to contact Respondus for support if I have a problem with an exam.
    True False
  5. Question 5 (1 point)
    I know that Respondus will not work on a mobile phone.
    True False
  6. Question 6 (1 point)
    If my test freezes, I know the procedure to continue my test:
    Exit - immediately close my browser
    Reopen - Reopen my browser
    Resume - Log back into BlazeVIEW and resume the test.
    True False
  7. Question 7 (1 point)
    If I am unable to access the test or problems persist, I will immediately contact my instructor via email.
    True False
  8. Question 8 (1 point)
    If I submit a help request to Respondus Support, I should take a screen shot and save it for further verification.
    True False
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Appendix F: Respondus Monitor Data Privacy Overview


Privacy is central to the Respondus Monitor architecture. It minimizes the personal data being collected, uses an automated system to analyze it, and then restricts access to the results.

  • Privacy by Design: Respondus Monitor puts privacy and security ahead of product features - always.
  • Data Ownership: Proctoring data is owned and controlled by the university, not Respondus.
  • Fully Automated: Respondus Monitor is a fully automated solution. Only instructors see the proctoring results.
  • Compliance & Certification: Respondus Monitor meets the security requirements of FERPA, GDPR, CCPA, Privacy Shield, and SOC 2 certification. Respondus engineers are AWS Certified.

Respondus Monitor DOES NOT do the following:

  • Require students to register at a Respondus website.
  • Have students provide an email, password, or address.
  • Link students with a 3rd-party identification service.
  • Store biometric profiles on our servers.
  • Watch students live while taking exams.
  • “Drop-in” on students during an exam.
  • Review videos after the exam.
  • Cross-reference network or location data of student.
  • Sell or share data (it’s the institution’s data, not ours).
  • Store student grades on Respondus servers.
  • Access files or data on the student’s computer.
  • Do anything on the computer when our proctoring system isn’t in use.

Respondus Monitoring DOES the following:

  • Integrate seamlessly with the institution’s learning system.
  • Extend the features of the online testing system already in use.
  • Turn off the webcam automatically when an exam is completed (or exited).
  • Allow institutions to select their own retention policy for proctoring results and exam videos.
  • Encrypt all data from start to finish.
  • Require all proctoring results and videos to be accessed via the learning system.
  • Track all database access by Respondus staff using AWS CloudTrail.
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