
Request for Housing/Dining Accommodation

Students MUST register with the Access Office for access to accommodations and assistive technologies. The Access Office cannot reach out to students who may need such accommodations. It is the responsibility of the student to register.


If you are a 茄子视频 or South Georgia State College Entry Program student with a documented disability who requires housing/dining accommodations to secure access, you must contact the as soon as possible (2 months prior to occupancy is recommended, although requests will be considered in the event that space is still available). Students must complete the Request for Housing/Dining Accommodation form and provide . (Note: If you are requesting an ESA accommodation, please use the ESA Housing Accommodation Request form instead.)  Requests are determined on a case-by-case basis with respect to sufficient documentation that:

1. indicates the existence of disability and impact of disability in the housing environment,

2. the existence of a barrier to access that exists within housing, and

3. a request for reasonable accommodation that would remove the barrier identified.

While a particular housing design or meal plan might make managing the symptoms of a disability easier for a student, the Access Office is only responsible for removing barriers to access for students with disabilities. Therefore, the Access Office is unable to approve requests that do not specifically address inaccessibility. For example, documentation that states that, “the student would benefit from…” or “it would be easier if…” will not likely meet the criteria for accommodation.

Requests for private room or semi-private bathroom based on an assumption that the symptoms of disability will negatively impact a roommate or vice versa do not meet the criteria of inaccessibility. **This includes all roommate concerns and disputes. Please contact 茄子视频 Housing and Residence Life for any roommate issues: (229) 333-5920.**

The Access Office will review requests within ten (10) business days upon receipt of all necessary documentation (including the Request for Housing/Dining Accommodation form completed by the student and medical documentation that meets criteria). Once a decision has been made, the Access Office will notify students via 茄子视频 email address indicating whether or not the accommodation request has been honored or if it was determined that the documentation provided was not sufficient to support the request. In the event that the requested accommodations are deemed reasonable and supported by documentation, the Access Office will also notify Housing and Residence Life via 茄子视频/SGSC email as soon as the decision has been made.

Please note:

  • A documented medical condition does not necessarily indicate that a student qualifies as a student with a disability who requires accommodation.
  • Requests for single/private rooms to ensure a “quiet place to study” or for student “alone time/downtime” may not be approved as there are numerous resources within Housing and across campus that provide suitable conditions and students should not assume that a roommate’s schedule will not allow for this need.
  • Due to limited space in residence halls, requests for single/private rooms due to "limited space" may not be approved.
  • The Access Office is not able to recommend a specific residence hall, room or roommate.
  • Requests for accommodation made late and/or after housing assignments are released will not likely be honored. Do not assume that early submission of room preference guarantees that the room/restroom type requested will be assigned.
  • Do not assume that existence of a disability/medical condition will support a request for release of contract. In most cases, options for housing accommodations (e.g., change of room, change of hall, etc.) need to be explored prior to support of a release of contract by the Access Office. It is recommended that, despite the existence of a disability, students complete the process outlined by Housing and Residence Life prior to making any alternate plans for housing.
  • Requests for waivers of meal plans will need to accompany a meeting/discussion with the Dining Hall Chef to determine if dietary needs will be able to be met. In the event that dining is unable to provide appropriate nutritional meals to meet a student’s specific medical needs (based on documentation provided), then requests for modification or waiver to a meal plan will then be considered.

Please fill out the fields below, ONLY if you are a student with a disability requesting a housing/dining accommodation. Review will begin once the form is submitted and supporting is received in the Access Office.

  • No

  • File attachment size limit is 2 MB.
  • NOTE: Larger files or multiple files may not attach properly. Please email a copy of documentation to access@valdosta.edu
  • No
  • Security Captcha: *
  • Access Office
    • University Center, Entrance 5, Suite 4136
      1205 N. Patterson St.
      Valdosta, Georgia 31698
    • Mailing Address
      1500 N. Patterson St.
      Valdosta, GA 31698
    • Phone: 229.245.2498
    • Fax: 229.245.3788
    • Video Phone
      Video: 229.375.5871
    • Hours of Operation
      Monday-Thursday: 8am-5:30pm
      Friday: 8am-3pm