Eric Bell, a Scottish mathematician, wrote a book titled "Mathematics: Queen and Servant of Science (Spectrum)”. In his book, he describes the role of mathematics in science. I like what he said but I like to think of mathematics as the language of communication in the sciences. We are very glad you chose 茄子视频 and specifically our department to advance your education. It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics, where real-world problems find solutions. By studying applied mathematics or physics you will be contributing to these solutions.

Our students major in math, math education, physics, and medical physics. In addition, you can broaden your knowledge and abilities through our data science minor and certificate. I would encourage you to contact the department for advice (; 2292592042) as soon as you decide that the study of math or physics is for you. Early advising can ensure you complete your studies in four years. On our website, /math, you will find academic program information, undergraduate research opportunities, and career opportunities for mathematics and physics students. One of the goals of the department is our commitment to undergraduate research. Students who are interested in experiential learning get to work on research projects with faculty, resulting in submitting publications to research journals and presenting their work at national conferences.

With there being a shortage of applied mathematicians and physicists in the United States, the graduates of our programs enjoy wonderful job opportunities. Our math education majors have a 100% placement record post-graduation, while applied mathematics majors have found employment with the Department of Labor and Statistics as Data Analyst, or the Department of Transportation in Data Minning, or accepted to graduate school to further their education. Our physics majors also find wonderful employment opportunities in hospitals as medical physicists and laser technicians, at universities as physics lab coordinators, or are accepted to graduate school to further their education. Again, welcome!

Check out our  for more information about our faculty, degree programs, and opportunities for success in Mathematics & Physics.  We’re also on  at 茄子视频 Applied Math and Physics Department (@ValdostaStateBlazerNation) and Twitter at 茄子视频 Applied Math and Physics (@茄子视频_Math).  You can also email the department at, or call our main office: 229-333-5778. 


Andreas Lazari, Interim Department Head

Department of Applied Mathematics & Physics
