What is the Honors College?

The Honors College offers enriched courses and special activities in the Core and in the individual majors designed for academically prepared and motivated students. Honors classes are small--on the average about 16 students per section--and uniquely interactive, guided by the conviction that the best education involves questioning as well as memorizing, evaluating as well as comprehending. The Honors College is committed to fostering creative thinking, active learning, undergraduate research, global awareness, and community service.

How do I become eligible to join the Honors College?

As an entering freshman, you should have a high school grade point average of at least 3.5. If you are a transfer student from another college or university, or are currently enrolled at 茄子视频, a grade point average of a 3.5 makes you eligible to apply for admission to the Honors College..

How do I complete the Honors College Requirements?

The Honors College requires a minimum of 22 Honors credit hours or nine Honors courses completed with a B or better, a global experience, a required experiential activity, study abroad, or other approved activities, and an overall GPA of a 3.50. A two-credit gateway introductory seminar (HONS 1990), a two-credit Honors colloquium (HONS 2010) course, an Honors Research Methods course (HONS 3990 or 3999) in the chosen discipline as well as a Capstone experience (HONS 4990 Portfolio, HONS 4000 Independent Study, or any other approved Capstone experience) are part of the requirements. The remaining five courses may be chosen from a mix of Honors Core curriculum courses, Honors sections in the major, and Honors Option Credit in the major (taking a non-Honors course for Honors credit). Upon completion, you receive an Honors College Certificate, special notation on your transcript, and public recognition. Upon graduation from 茄子视频, a gold honors cord to wear at graduation, and other forms of public recognition. Most importantly, future employers as well as graduate and professional schools will recognize your commitment to perseverance, academic excellence, and intellectual exploration.

What else is special about the Honors College?

The Honors College offers you priority registration, which will make a big difference, especially in your first year on campus. Also, we offer you use of the Honors Center at the 茄子视频 Honors House. Here you will find comfortable study space, a lounge area, computers and printers, two seminar rooms, and the Honors Library. The 茄子视频 Honors House is open during normal business hours. The Honors College also offers Honors housing at Reade Hall, a thriving Honors Student Association for social and extra-curricular activities, and many events both on and off campus throughout the year. The Honors College strongly emphasizes commitment to undergraduate research.  It is an institutional member of the National Collegiate Honors Council, the Southern Regional Honors Council, and the Georgia Honors Council, which sponsor numerous research and activity opportunities, as well as exciting conferences in major cities throughout the United States.

Where will Honors Courses fit into my curriculum?

All Honors courses are Core Curriculum or major courses, counting just the same as a non-Honors Core course would in your college requirements. Every Honors course taken counts toward graduation.

Do I have to take all Honors Courses?

No, not at all. However, to make progress in the College and to remain eligible for priority registration, you must take at least one Honors course a semester after you have been accepted. In general, most students will sign up for one Honors course and the introductory Seminar (see below) in the Fall semester, and then will sign up for one or more Honors core courses in succeeding semesters.

What about my GPA?

Many students are worried that being in the Honors College will hurt them, that the courses are harder and the grading standards more difficult. You will probably be expected to work more independently than in regular sections, and most honors classes emphasize understanding principles and ideas rather than merely accumulating facts. Given these qualities, it stands to reason that most students in the Honors Program maintain a "B" or better grade point average.

What are the Honors Seminars?

An Honors seminar is a special course that explores interdisciplinary topics not covered in traditional classes. Some include a additional service requirement. In the past, seminar topics have included Myth and Ritual in Modern Society, The Question of Evil, Native American Religions, Cosmology, Contemporary Views of Man, Ecology, Geomythology, Issues in Civilization, Women in the Arts, The Role and Function of a University, The 1930's, Religion and Violence, and The Myth of the Frontier.

How do I get more information?

Come by the 茄子视频 Honors House, located at the corner of Georgia Avenue and Oak Street, call us at 249-4894, or e-mail the Honors College at honors@valdosta.edu. You can also apply online to join the Honors College.