1. How many practicum hours are required?
    1. First year (Foundation) field students complete 16 hours/week for 10 weeks in the fall. This is for a total of 160 hours. In the spring, students complete 16 hours/week for 15 weeks for a total of 240 hours. Second year (Concentration) field students complete 18 hours/week in fall and spring semesters for 15 weeks each semester. 270 hours each semester for a total of 540 hours. Advanced Standing students follow the second year field student schedule.  
  2. When does practicum start?
    1. Concentration year practicums will begin the first week of class. Foundation year practicums will start on the 4th week of the semester, giving Foundation students time to adjust to the requirements and work load for graduate school.
  3. How many hours do I complete each week?
    1. 18 hours for Concentration (with at least one hour being MSW supervision) 16 hours for Foundation (with at least one hour being MSW supervision)
  4. Can I use work/life experience for practicum hours?
    1. No, we do not offer credit for life experience or past work experience.  
  5. Can I use my work site for practicum?
    1. Maybe. Please contact the Field Director to discuss this option. 
  6. Can I use trainings, modules, orientations, conferences, lunch and learns for field hours?
    1. Yes, only if the Field Director approves and signs the Student Log. Please seek prior approval before attending an event to ensure it is relatable to Social Work practice.  
  7. If you are having practicum related problems—chain of command for communication:
    1. Field Instructor—discuss concerns with Field Instructor first.
    2. Faculty Liaison—if issues are not resolved with Field Instructor, the Faculty Liaison (the professor who teaches your practicum class) is your next advocate.
    3. Field Director—if you and your Faculty Liaison are unable to resolve the issues, you many then contact the Field Director.
    4. MSW Program Director—if after all the prior steps have been exhausted and the issue is unresolved, you may contact the Program Director of Social Work.  
  8. Who can provide supervision?
    1. CSWE requires that all MSW field students receive 1 hour/week (or 4 hours per month, or 2 hours every 2 weeks) with a MSW with 2 years’ post-masters experience. They do NOT have to be an LMSW or LCSW; however, that is preferred.  You may receive additional supervision from other licensed or counseling professionals, however you MUST receive the 1 hour/week with an MSW.
  9. If you want to change your placement or leave a work-site placement—you must FIRST discuss this with the Field Director. If you terminate your practicum without discussing with the Field Director, you may not receive another placement immediately. This could extend your graduation plan. No placement changes should occur without prior approval from the Field Director. 

If you have field questions that are not in this FAQ list—Please see the Field Handbook FIRST. It is located in your Blazeview shell and on the 茄子视频 MSW website. It is your responsibility to review the Handbook in its entirety. If you cannot find the answers in the Field Handbook, please contact the Field Director, Mr. Adrian Stowers, at mswfield@valdosta.edu