Below you will find information and tips on the process of getting into pharmacy school.

    1.  Completion of pre-pharmacy courses

    2.  PCAT (Pharmacy College Admissions Test)

    3.  Applying to Pharmacy School

    4.  GPA

    5.  Experience and Additional Coursework


1.  Completion of pre-pharmacy courses

Students must complete courses required by the pharmacy school they wish to attend. Pre-requisite courses vary somewhat from school to school. 茄子视频's Chemistry Pre-Pharmacy option is designed to meet the demands of all pharmacy schools in the state of Georgia (UGA, South, PCOM, and Mercer).

2. PCAT (Pharmacy College Admissions Test)

Some pharmacy schools require this exam. about when the PCAT is offered and how to register. You may take the PCAT multiple times to improve your score.  Students should, however, check with each pharmacy school as to how multiple scores are treated (averaged, highest only, etc.).

3.  Applying to Pharmacy School

Check with the pharmacy school of interest for specifics about their application process. Check for early admissions options and rolling admissions. Rolling admissions means applications are processed for admission as they arrive, perhaps a year or more in advance of matriculation. In such cases the earlier the application, the better the chance of acceptance. In addition to submitting PCAT scores and application forms, the process usually also involves obtaining letters of recommendation and possibly an on-campus interview.

It is common to get on a waiting list for pharmacy school. Don't despair! Some vacancies always occur, even close to the starting date of classes. It's not unheard of for a pharmacy school to call a day or so before classes to give the green light of acceptance.

Four schools in Georgia have pharmacy schools: Mercer, South University, UGA, and PCOM.

4.  GPA Averages

The minimum undergraduate pre-pharmacy GPA for students accepted to pharmacy schools in the state of Georgia is 2.8, although the average GPA of accepted students can be as high as 3.5 for the most prestigious schools. Students should check with each pharmacy school for the relative importance of pre-pharmacy, overall and science GPAs required for admittance. Most schools require a "C" or better in all pre-pharmacy courses.

5.  Experience and Additional Coursework

Getting accepted to pharmacy school is a very competitive process. Most students accepted into pharmacy schools have experience working in a pharmacy (pharmacy technician, shadowing, etc.) or in another health-related setting. Most admissions offices comment that students with pharmacy experience have a greater chance of being accepted.

Many pharmacy students take courses beyond those required in the pre-pharmacy program before they begin pharmacy school. Many students report that additional courses in biochemistry, microbiology, and anatomy are particularly helpful. While an undergraduate degree is not required by most pharmacy schools, it can boost the attractiveness of a student's application to pharmacy school. The Chemistry Pre-Pharmacy option is appropriate for this goal.