For Parents and Students - What are the immunization requirements?

Each student must provide completed immunization records as required by the University System of Georgia Board of Regents. 

Those requirements are listed on the health services immunization page. 

Your immunizations should be finalized before you start your classes.  Call Student Health at 229.333.3203 if you have any questions.

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For Parents and Students - What essentials do I need to bring to college?

We suggest the following items to be sent with your student to have available in their room for after hours and weekend:

  • Thermometer
  • Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen
  • Antibacterial ointment
  • Band aids
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Over-the-counter allergy, cough and cold medicine (your preference)
  • Any routine medications that your student takes
  • If your student has asthma please send their rescue inhaler and that it is within its expiration date
  • Copy of your insurance card

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Do I need health insurance coverage? 

It is recommended that each student have health insurance coverage while enrolled at 茄子视频.  There may be a time when a student is referred to a specialist or the local emergency room.  Insurance may also be filed to see if it will cover labs, procedures or supplies.  Certain programs require insurance and information pertaining to the mandatory and voluntary insurance plans are listed on the health services insurance page

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What services are included in my health fee?

In order to keep costs to a minimum, the student health fee allows students the opportunity to be seen at the Student Health Center with minimal charges.

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What services are not included in the health fee*?

Immunizations - must be prepaid before they will be given

  • MMR (per injection, series of 2) $100
  • Hepatitis A (per injection, series of 2) $80 per dose
  • Hepatitis B (per injection, series of 3) $75 per dose
  • Meningitis (Menactra. Must be preordered through pharmacy) $190 per dose
  • Tdap (1 time dose) $65
  • Td (every 10 years, unless Tdap is substituted) $50
  • Varicella (per injection, series of 2) $170
  • TB Skin test $30
  • Influenza $10 per dose for students

Prescriptions not included on the Pharmacy Formulary or for long-term conditions.

Lab Tests - (not an inclusive list - examples below)

  • Pap smear $30
  • STI testing (Chlamydia & Gonorrhea) $25
  • HIV test $25
  • Hepatitis Panel $56.56
  • Herpes - Culture $42.50
  • HCG - $16
  • Venipuncture - $6

* one time charge per visit, if venipuncture is performed

*Prices subject to change - does not include all tests or supplies 

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When should I make an appointment to see a doctor or nurse practitioner?

  • Persistent fever greater than 101 degrees
  • Cold symptoms not improved or worse after 7-10 days
  • Abdominal pain or vomiting
  • Severe headache not relieved by Tylenol, Ibuprofen or other over-the-counter medicine
  • Stiff neck
  • Ear pain or drainage from ear
  • Sore that has signs of infection (redness, drainage, swelling, pain)
  • Eyes with redness, drainage (eyelids suck together when awakening) or eyes that are painful
  • Sudden vision changes
  • Urinary frequency, urgency, burning
  • Unusual vaginal/penile discharge or odor
  • Abnormal bleeding
  • Abnormal lump
  • Rash for three or more days
  • Changes in mole or freckle
  • Injury related to fall or trauma causing pain and swelling unrelieved by over-the-counter medications and impedes normal activities
  • Deep cuts or lacerations that may need sutures, need to be seen before eight (8) hours after injury
  • Chest pain, at any time, if very painful call 911 immediately

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What do I need to know before my visit? 

Insurance Claims

The Student Health Center is currently accepting insurance.  Please bring a copy of your insurance card with you when you arrive for your visit.  Once we have your information on file you will not need to bring your card unless there is a change in your insurance status and/or you change insurance carriers.

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Treatment of Pregnant Patients

The Health Center does not treat pregnant patients, but refers them for treatment to their obstetrician.

If the patient is found to be pregnant through testing, or if the patient identifies herself as pregnant, she will be referred to another facility for further evaluation.

The Student Health Fee for the semester may be refunded.  Provide written documentation of proof of pregnancy to the Administrator of Student Health, who will provide the information to the Director or Assistant Director of Auxiliary Services, who will then notify the Bursary that a refund may be given.

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Does the Health Center write excuse for class?

The Health Center provides each student with a statement and/or copy of their appointment history.  However, it is up to your instructor to accept the statement and/or copy of your appointment history. We do not back date excuses. If a student has missed classes due to illness and wishes to medically withdraw, then verification is needed.  The student may sign a HIPAA form for release of a copy of their medical records.

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How long will my appointment take?

The length of time it takes to complete a visit varies depending on the reason for the visit.  Most appointment lengths are 30 minutes; you must add the time it takes to check-in, fill out appropriate paperwork and do other tasks related to the visit, such as lab tests and patient or medical explanations.

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What if I have an after-hours' emergency?

The Student Health Center does not have an emergency department.  If you have an emergency, you should call 911 or go directly to the nearest hospital (South Georgia Medical Center).  There is also a hospital located off of exit 22, SGMC Smith Northview.  Additional local urgent care clinics are located near the campus.

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Where is the Student Health Center located?

The Student Health Center is located on Georgia Avenue, across from Powell Hall and Georgia Hall. To see this location on a map and obtain directions, visit our campus map.

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What is MRSA?

(Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus Aureus)

The "Superbug"

Some germs that commonly live on the skin and in the nose are called staphylococcus or "Staph" bacteria.  Usually they do not cause harm, but sometimes they can get inside the body through a break in the skin and cause an infection that is usually treated with antibiotics.  Not all staph infections are MRSA.  MRSA is a staph infection resistant to treatment with penicillin and some other antibiotics.  Because of this resistance, it can lead to more serious infections of the body.  It used to be seen primarily in hospitals and in those individuals with weakened immune systems.  Recently it has become more common in community and competitive sports settings.  This is a nationwide trend and it has also been seen locally.  The treatment is longer and more complicated than with many other skin infections.

The spread of MRSA is not airborne.  Rather, it is transmitted through direct contact with the bacteria.  This can be through skin-to-skin contact, sharing of towels, personal items or equipment.  A break in the skin, such as a scrape or cut, would increase the possibility of getting the infection.  Any draining wound should be regarded as a potential MRSA infection and should be covered.


  • Cleanliness and hand washing.  Shower after working out, sports practices and competitions.
  • Do not share personal toiletry items - razors, deodorant and lotion.
  • Use liquid antibacterial soap. No bar soap.
  • Use a barrier (such as clothing or a towel) between your skin and shared gym equipment.
  • Report all skin lesions.  Have it evaluated by a health care professional.  The earlier the treatment the better.  It can prevent the infection from getting worse.

What does MRSA look like?

  • A sore or skin lesion with symptoms that may include redness, warmth, skin tenderness, painful boils or blisters, pus or drainage.
  • They may look like spider bites.
  • MSRA infected lesions can change from the skin surface to abscesses beneath the skin.


  • Take antibiotics as prescribed and until completed.  The lesion may be cultured for identification of the bacteria and a sensitivity done to determine which medications it will respond to.
  • Keep all wounds covered.
  • Wash hands before and after changing band aids and bandages.
  • Place soiled dressings and disposable items that have come into contact with infected sites in separate trash bags and close before placing in common garbage.
  • Change towels and linens daily.
  • All clothing should be handled separately from that of other household members.  Place in separate bag or hamper.
  • Laundry items with hot water and bleach.  Dry on hottest possible settings.
  • Tell your roommate and close friends so that they take precautions.

Hand washing is the single most important behavior in the prevention of infection disease.

For further information visit

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