Below are the different options available to you when requesting an Embedded Librarian for your course


Library Module

The embedded librarian will add a module to your course with content designed to help your students navigate the library and conduct research. This may include:

  • A welcome message from the librarian including their contact information
  • link 
  • Any guides that may be helpful to your course (ex: ,  , etc.) 
  • A link to LiveChat for students to get in contact with a librarian
  • Any discussion boards that have been requested


A Monitored Q&A Discussion Board (1-2 weeks)

A librarian is embedded in a traditional sense with a monitored Q&A discussion board for two weeks that closes at the end of the one – two-week time period (which is often the time during a research paper or other project). Students can use this board to get help with research or ask questions. After this period, students will still have access to the live chat link and contact information to contact the librarian outside of the discussion post if needed.


Synchronous (Live) Library Instruction

In this type of library instruction, the librarian will meet with your course at a set time through Teams to provide information about the library and how to conduct research. This session can also be recorded for students to watch later as well. If you select this option in the request form, the librarian will reach out to discuss when you would like this instruction to take place and what you would like to be covered. 


Custom Course Guide

A custom guide can be created for your chouse specifically and placed in your course for your students to view. Course guides generally include things like helpful links and research tips that are course specific. To view a list of our current course guides, please visit our and select Course Guides. 

Course guides, depending on the amount of content requested, may take up to two weeks to create. If requesting a course guide, please keep this in mind. If you select this option, your embedded librarian will reach out regarding the content you would like to see in the guide. 


Required Discussion Post

This is a discussion board that is separate from the Monitored Q&A board. This additional discussion board asks students to interact with the embedded librarian(s) by posting about their experience thus far with the library, how they conduct research, what they wish to know, any questions they may have, etc. The embedded librarian(s) will respond to these appropriately. Please note: The embedded librarian will not grade the discussion posts, only respond to what has been posted by the students.

This option allows the embedded librarian to form a connection with students and answer questions that they may have about the library. This would be a great option for students who are first being introduced to the library and the research process, or students who are in a higher level of research who already know some basics, but need specific guidance in the later library instruction session.


Required Meetings

Please note: Due to the intensive nature of this embedded option, we are only able to provide four courses with the "required meetings" opportunity.

In this option, the embedded librarian(s) would meet with each individual in the course to discuss their research and answer any questions that the student may have. Meetings may last from 30 minutes to one hour and can be conducted in person or through Teams. This is a great option for research-heavy courses. If this option is selected, your embedded librarian will reach out to discuss when you would like these meetings to take place and any other specifics regarding the meetings.