To be considered for appointment or reappointment to Full Membership on the Graduate Faculty (a 5-year appointment), the faculty member must meet Ctieria 1-6, and either 7 OR 8 listed below:

  1. Possess the doctoral degree in an appropriate discipline or, in areas/disciplines which do not have such credentials, an appropriate terminal degree. 
  1. Hold a tenure track position at the rank of assistant professor, associate professor, professor, or non-tenured promotional track, or its equivalent, leading to the rank of assistant professor, associate professor, professor in a department which presently offers a graduate degree or graduate courses (or has Board of Regents approval to develop a graduate degree). 
  1. Demonstrate excellence in classroom teaching at the graduate level and/or senior undergraduate level. Such evidence is provided through the Department Head evaluations of teaching, peer/colleague evaluations, student evaluations, and/or letters of support from those having knowledge of the faculty member's teaching methods. 
  1. Publish scholarly papers and/or engage in creative endeavors in an appropriate discipline during the previous five years. Normally, evidence of such activities includes the publication of at least one or more articles/major essays/short stories/poems in appropriate journals/books or the publication of one scholarly book. In the arts, the evidence may be demonstrated by one or more creative activities (solo performances, featured performances, or juried exhibits) during the previous five years. However, the quality of the creative activity or the journal/publisher and the nature of the activity or the publication must be For example, articles published in a journal which has wide distribution and which is "refereed" by professional peers provides stronger evidence of scholarship than an article which is published in a local, non-refereed journal. Also, a research article, review essay, or major creative endeavor typically provides stronger evidence than a book review. While publication in a vanity press cannot be considered as evidence of scholarship, publication in a commercial or university press would provide strong evidence of scholarship. Sole authorship of a book provides more evidence of scholarship than a text or an edited collection of articles by other scholars. In the creative arts, the nature and types of exhibits and the "level" of the audience for a musical or dramatic production may be used as evidence of the quality of the endeavor. Juried exhibits provide more evidence of quality than non-juried exhibits. Externally funded research grants may also be used as evidence of research productivity. 
  1. Present scholarly papers at professional meetings of appropriate organizations during the previous five years.  Normally, the presentation of at least one paper is sufficient. However, the nature of the organization (local, state, regional, national, international) and the type of presentation (research paper versus panel presentation) are used to judge the importance of the scholarship. In the creative arts, those activities that are not juried or reviewed by peers, and are more local in scope might be offered as evidence of professional presentations. 
  1. Provide evidence of professional involvement and/or service in an appropriate discipline during the previous five This involvement/service is demonstrated through attendance at professional meetings, membership on professional committees, holding offices in professional organizations, serving as an editor or reviewer for a professional journal or publisher, serving as a judge or on a jury for artistic work, and/or chairing sessions/panels at professional meetings. Furthermore, professional service is demonstrated through discipline-related, unpaid consulting in appropriate organizations and/or agencies. 
  1. Provide service to the graduate programs at 茄子视频 during the previous five years, as evidenced by the following types of activities: teaching graduate courses, advising graduate students, administering graduate programs, creating/grading comprehensive examinations, serving on thesis/graduate committees, creating graduate courses/programs, serving on college-wide committees which are concerned with graduate programs, obtaining externally funded grants which involve graduate programs or which support academic programs, and/or advising graduate internships/practicums. 
  1. Provide service to graduate programs at another institution, or in combination with 茄子视频, as specified in Item 7, during the previous five-year period prior to this application.