1. All faculty who may like to use Turnitin in their classes, should provide the following statement in their course syllabi:

By taking this course, you agree that all required course work may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to Turnitin, a tool within BlazeVIEW. For more information on the use of Turnitin at 茄子视频 see Turnitin for Students.

2. These further instructions should be provided to students, either on the syllabus or in the instructions for submission for specific assignments:

Course work documents may include but are not limited to papers, blog postings, journal entries, presentations, discussion postings, emails, or any other written work, in electronic or hardcopy, submitted in the format and on the schedule required by the course instructor.

According to the Family Compliance Office of the U.S. Department of Education, your course work documents are education records within the meaning of the  (FERPA). Education records may not be disclosed to third parties in a form that identifies you without your consent. As a third party product, Turnitin is governed by this provision of FERPA.

Your course work document may be submitted to Turnitin via one of two methods. The different options simply determine how the work is submitted to Turnitin, and whether the work includes identifying information.

You may consent to possibly release your personal identification to Turnitin by uploading your course work documents through the Turnitin tool provided in your online course section.  All submitted work will be included as source documents in the database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism in other papers.

*(NOTE: The Privacy-Conscious option has been set for BlazeVIEW.  This means student information from BlazeVIEW is not sent to the Turnitin database and instead student names are replaced by a personal ID number.  However, student information is still viewable by instructors inside of BlazeVIEW and any personally identifiable information found in the text of the submission will still be added to the Turnitin database).


If you choose not to consent to release your personal identification to Turnitin, your instructor may choose to have you send TWO COPIES of your work to your instructor by the mail tool in the online course section. Your work will be uploaded to Turnitin by the instructor for you. YOU MUST send your work as an electronic attachment in the format and on the schedule required by the assignment. Your work must be saved in a file format that can be opened by Microsoft Word and saved with a file name in the following format:

Copy 1 should be in the EXACT format specified in the assignment. Your work must be saved in a file format that can be opened by Microsoft Word and saved with a file name in the following format: 


EX: janedoe_ENGL2201_assignment2.doc

Copy 2 must be identical to Copy 1 EXCEPT that you must remove all identifying information, including ALL references to your name or other information that specifically identifies you. Your work must be saved in a file format that can be opened by Microsoft Word and saved with a file name in the following format:


EX: NOID_ENGL2201_assignment2.doc

Identifying information will be removed from your document in order to comply with FERPA, and your instructor may directly submit to Turnitin for textual similarity review.

At the option of the instructor, a Turnitin originality report on your document may be provided for your review.

** At any time, an instructor may choose to submit your work after removing your identifying information.

3. These instructions for how to submit an assignment in Turnitin should be provided either in the syllabus or in submission instructions for the assignment.

Identify a Turnitin assignment.

  • Turnitin is completely integrated with the Dropbox assignment tool and may be turned on by the course instructor.
  • Submission to Turnitin is done automatically when you submit to a corresponding assignment Dropbox.
  • Dropbox assignments using Turnitin will be marked with a binoculars icon next to them and would read "Plagiarism Detection enabled" through a screenreader.

PLEASE NOTE: If the paper you are submitting has images in it, the combined size of the images and file must not exceed 20MB or the submission may fail.