Students should apply for graduation at least two full semesters in advance of the anticipated graduation date. Students should pick up an application for graduation form from the Registrar.

As part of the application for graduation packet, advisors must list all remaining courses students have for graduation (including any courses currently in progress).


  • Be sure to check the year in which the student entered the University, and use the requirements listed in that catalogue. Students who changed their major or interrupted their college work for more than a year become subject to the requirements of the catalogue in effect at the time of the change or re-enrollment to fulfill degree requirements.
  • In listing remaining courses, it is wise to be as generic as possible. If, for example, a student may take one of several electives, list them all. If students take any course other than that listed on the application to graduate, the advisor must fill out a course substitution form.
  • Advisors must also give students a copy of the rubric used by the department to show the courses completed in the specific program. This rubric helps the Registrar and the students if this form is completed clearly and carefully, listing the semester in which each course was taken, the number of hours, and the final grade. 
  •  After students have submitted the Application for Graduation to the Registrar, that office will evaluate the materials. Within a few weeks, the advisors and the students should receive a copy of the completed form, listing any other courses that the Registrar believes that the students still need to complete. If there are any questions or problems, advisors should call the Registrar. However, if the form has been submitted early enough, advisors and students still have enough time to make any needed adjustments to the students’ schedule.
Advisors should keep certain requirements in mind:
  • students must have completed at least 120 semester hours of academic work (somewhat more in selected majors);
  • the academic work must include at least 39 hours of upper division work (courses numbered 3000 and above) with at least 21 semester hours in the major field;
  • students must have a minimum institutional GPA of 2.0;
  • students must have a "C" or better in all major area courses and in the courses for a minor;
  • thirty of the last forty hours must be completed in residence at 茄子视频;
  • no more than ninety semester hours from a four-year institution may be applied toward the degree;
  • no more than thirty semester hours may be earned through any combination of CLEP, credit by examination, correspondence courses, extension work, and advanced placement