Graduate Students, see Graduate Student Dismissal and Warning

茄子视频 seeks to provide an environment suitable for promoting the systematic pursuit of learning. To ensure this primary goal, the University requires of its students reasonable academic progress. The retention of those students who repeatedly demonstrate a lack of ability, industry, maturity, and preparation would be inconsistent with this requirement.

Academic probation serves as the initial notice that the student’s performance is not currently meeting the minimum grade point average required for graduation. Continued performance at this level will result in the student’s being placed on academic suspension.

Academic probation is designed to serve three purposes: (1) to make clear to all concerned the inadequacy of a student’s performance; (2) to provide occasion for necessary counseling; and (3) to give students whose success is in doubt additional opportunity to demonstrate performance.

Academic suspension is imposed as a strong indication that the student incurring such suspension should withdraw from the University, at least for a time, to reconsider the appropriateness of a college career or to make necessary fundamental adjustments in attitudes toward the academic demands of college.

I. Stages of Progress with Minimum Grade Point Averages Required 
An individual’s stage of progress is determined on the basis of the number of academic semester hours attempted, including those transferred from other institutions. Transfer credits are not included in computing grade-point averages.

Semester Hours attempted at 茄子视频 and hours transferred to 茄子视频
Cumulative grade-point average required on 茄子视频 courses
1 - 29 1.60
30 -59 1.75
60 - 89 1.90
90 - graduation 2.00

II. Academic Probation 
A student will be placed on academic probation if, at the end of any semester while the student is in good standing, the cumulative GPA falls below the minimum specified in the table above or the semester GPA falls below 2.00. Even though a student on probation is making some progress toward graduation, it should be clearly understood that without immediate academic improvement, suspension may result.

III. Academic Suspension and Academic Dismissal 
a. A student will be suspended if at the end of any term, while on academic probation, the cumulative GPA falls below the minimum specified in the table above, and the term GPA falls below 2.00. 
b. A first suspension will be for one semester. (See readmission procedures below.) 
c. A second suspension shall be for two academic semesters. 
d. A third or subsequent suspension shall result in the student being academically dismissed from the institution for a minimum period of three (3) years.
e. Only fall and/or spring semesters count as “sit out” semesters.

IV. Right of Appeal 
Upon appeal by the student, the Suspension Appeals Committee has the authority to waive the first, second, or third suspension if unusual circumstances warrant.

V. Appeal Process
Students must submit a written appeal using the online form available from the Registrar’s Office according to the posted appeal schedule. Following the first, second, or third suspension, readmission on probation may be granted for unusual and compelling reasons by the Suspension Appeals Committee. A suspended student readmitted on probation may have specific academic requirements imposed. A student whose appeal is granted but does not reenroll will remain on academic suspension.

VI. Readmission Procedures
Students who complete their suspension and wish to return must complete the Application for Undergraduate Readmission prior to registration for the semester in which they plan to return.

Last Updated November 2017.