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Co-Requisites if applicable In the Teacher Education department, your course assignments, assessments and activities have been designed to give you multiple opportunities to master the knowledge, skills, and attitudes reflected in Georgia Intern Keys Effectiveness SystemCandidate Assessment onPerformance Standards (CAPS). (Please keep all the CAPS standards listed for all courses.) Georgia Intern Keys Effectiveness SystemCandidate Assessment onPerformance Standards: Performance Standard 1: Professional Knowledge: The teacher candidate demonstrates an understanding of the curriculum, subject content, pedagogical knowledge, and the needs of students by providing relevant learning experiences. Performance Standard 2: Instructional Planning: The teacher candidate plans using state and local school district curricula and standards, effective strategies, resources, and data to address the differentiated needs of all the students. Performance Standard 3: Instructional Strategies: The teacher candidate promotes student learning by using research-based instructional strategies relevant to the content to engage students in active learning and to facilitate the students acquisition of key knowledge and skills. Performance Standard 4: Differentiated Instruction: The teacher candidate challenges and supports each students learning by providing appropriate content and developing skills which address individual learning differences. Performance Standard 5: Assessment Strategies: The teacher candidate systematically chooses a variety of diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment strategies and instruments that are valid and appropriate for the content and student population. Performance Standard 6: Assessment Uses: The teacher candidate systematically gathers, analyzes, and uses relevant data to measure student progress, to inform instructional content and delivery methods, and to provide timely and constructive feedback to students and relevant stakeholders. Performance Standard 7: Positive Learning Environment: The teacher candidate provides a well-managed, safe, and orderly environment that is conducive to learning and encourages respect for all. Performance Standard 8: Academically Challenging Environment: The teacher candidate creates a student-centered, academic environment in which teaching and learning occur at high levels and students are self-directed learners. Performance Standard 9: Professionalism: The teacher candidate exhibits a commitment to professional ethics, participates in professional growth opportunities to support student learning, and engages in reflective practice. Performance Standard 10: Communication: The teacher candidate communicates effectively with students, district and school personnel, and relevant stakeholders in ways that enhance student learning. ** INCLUDE ADDITIONAL NATIONAL STANDARDS IF REQUIRED. COURSE OBJECTIVES Numbers in parentheses following objectives refer to Ga CAPS Model Core Teacher Standards align your objectives to the standards. All of your objectives should align to standards. ONLY INCLUDE GACAPS ALIGNMENT AND any alignment to SPA standards (AMLE, ILA, etc). REMOVE THE CI MATRIX AND KEY ASSESSMENT CODING (ex EDL 1.1). By the end of the semester candidates will: Evaluate personal teaching plan and curriculum; knowledge of pedagogy and content; teacher philosophy and dispositions through readings, reflections, and artifact analysis (Ga CAPS 1-9). KEEP this type of naming for Ga CAPS Use and develop assessment methods and materials that indicate student progress in reading and writing abilities. (Ga CAPS Standard 6, AMLE 4) KEEP this type of naming for Ga CAPS and additional program standards Identify content standards, study skills, systems, and procedures which are useful in particular subject areas. (Ga CAPS Standards 4, 5, 6) CPL 1.2, 1.3 REMOVE ALL OF THESE FROM ALL COURSE OBJECTIVES IN ALL COURSES.) COURSE ACTIVITIES/ASSIGNMENTS/REQUIREMENTS Synthesis: (15 points) Here you will bring all of your experiences throughout your masters program together in an engaging way. It is a way to examine what you got out of your program, and it serves the purpose of a final exam or paper. (This is just an example- the idea is that you have this section) You can also remove this statement about any of the activities or assignments: FE2a *This is a required Proficiency Level Assessment and should not be modified or removed from this course without the approval of the program faculty. Now that the PSC review as concluded, all programs will be reviewing to adjust and create what is needed to support the standards. COURSE EVALUATION Assessment/EvaluationPoint ValueAnnotated Transcript10Best Practices Content Pedagogy Showcase20Synthesis15Looking Forward - Professional Learning Plan10Total100(You are not required to have 100 total points, but look carefully at your point totals/system does it make sense to have 600, 700, 800 points in the evaluation?) Grading Scale A = D = B = F = C = REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS / RESOURCE MATERIALS FROM FALL 2021 FORWARD - DO NOT PUT LIVETEXT AS A REQUIREMENT FOR STUDENTS TO PURCHASE. WE USE ANTHOLOGY PORTFOLIO (AP) STUDENTS WILL NOT PURCHASE THIS. AP will link to Blazeview/GoView, so nothing will be submitted to Livetext. What you grade in BV can be pulled for data collection purposes from AP. OPTIONAL RESOURCES You may or may not include this in the syllabus. LATE WORK: State your policy (Examples: No late work accepted; Late work will be scored according to the following guidelines: 5 minutes 24 hours late: The maximum that may be earned is credit. After 24 hours - no credit can be earned; or what you accept; etc). ATTENDANCE POLICY Whether online or face-to-face, a student who misses or does not participate in more than 20% of the scheduled course or course activities could be subject to receiving a failing grade in the course. (This is from the catalog.) (You may need to include field experience guidelines if they apply). TECHNOLOGY In this class, students will regularly use technology applications. To use these applications, students must have access to a laptop or computer, preferably with a webcam and mic. While it is possible for students to complete some work on their smartphones, this will not be sufficient in all instances, given the limitations of mobile devices. Hence, access to a computer is essential. Note that the University maintains a number of computer labs, which are available for student use. Laptops and/or MiFi devices are also available for check-out on a first-come, first-served basis from the New Media Center in Odum Library. In an online environment, problems associated with power outages, networks being down, and ISP troubles inevitably result in legitimate reasons for delays; however, you should still be prepared to deliver your work by the stated deadlines. If you have a problem, let your instructor know as soon as possible. PROFESSIONALISM The following areas describe the professional expectations for all preservice students in the Department of Teacher Education. Professionalism - Ethics Educators are professionals guided by ethical commitments to their students, their families and to the communities in which they work. (See: The Code of Ethics for Educators at  HYPERLINK "http://www.gapsc.com/Rules/Current/Ethics/505-6-.01.pdf" http://www.gapsc.com/Rules/Current/Ethics/505-6-.01.pdf). Professional values of teachers include respect, integrity, collaboration, active participation, building alliances, resolving conflicts, and reflective, intellectual inquiry. It is expected that future teachers conduct themselves with the professionalism that is required of practicing teachers. If at any time a students actions or attitudes are judged to be less than professional appropriate remedial action will be taken. Professionalism - Communication Effective written and verbal communication skills are critical to you as a professional educator as you interact with students, colleagues, administrators, and parents. Those individuals whose communication skills (verbal or written) indicate a need for assistance will be referred to the appropriate services on campus. Professionalism - Assignments All assignments should conform to the professional standards expected of university students. Papers must be typed, double-spaced in an appropriate font style and size with no spelling or grammatical errors, unless otherwise stated by the instructor. Assignments will be graded on content, composition, spelling, punctuation, and grammar. In papers, ideas obtained from sources must be documented using APA style. Proofread and correct papers before they are submitted. Professionalism - Diversity Professional educators are expected to embrace diversity. A variety of materials and instructional strategies will be used to meet the needs of different learning styles of diverse learners in the class. Students will be provided with opportunities to gain the knowledge, skills and understanding to provide effective instruction in multicultural classrooms. Mutual respect for people of diverse characteristics, beliefs, and abilities should be evident for all teacher candidates. Professionalism - Technology The College of Education and Human Services is committed to preparing professional educators who are technology competent. As a result, technology has been infused into our education courses. Professional Improvement Plan The purpose of the Professional Improvement Plan (PIP) process is for faculty to identify students who may need remediation or intervention to successfully complete the professional requirements for their program of study. For more information see the  HYPERLINK "http://www.valdosta.edu/colleges/education/deans-office/resources-for-faculty-and-staff.php" Professional Improvement Plan Process on the COEHS website. THE BLAZER CREED Ƶ is a learning environment based on trust and mutual respect in which open dialogue, vigorous debate, and the free exchange of ideas are welcome. The University is equally dedicated to the core values of community, including a commitment to practice civility, integrity, and citizenship. As members of this community, and proud Blazers, we will strive to uphold these core values for the advancement of the University. Civility A Blazer shows courtesy and compassion as well as respect for the dignity of every human being. Integrity Each Blazer is responsible for his or her own actions, and our community is stronger when we contemplate the context of our decisions and uphold the principles of trust and honesty. Citizenship Every Blazer has an interest in the well-being of the community, and, therefore, a duty to stay informed, to make positive contributions, and to offer support to those who need help. As a Blazer, you pledge to uphold the core principles of Civility, Integrity, and Citizenship. DEWAR COLLEGE OF EDUCATION & HUMAN SERVICES POLICY ON PLAGIARISM  HYPERLINK "http://www.valdosta.edu/colleges/education/deans-office/policy-statement-of-plagiarism.php" http://www.valdosta.edu/colleges/education/deans-office/policy-statement-of-plagiarism.php DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION - STATEMENT ON ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Educators are professionals guided by ethical commitments to their students, their families and to the communities in which they work. (See: The  HYPERLINK "http://www.nea.org/home/30442.htm" Code of Ethics for Educators). Professional values of teachers include respect, integrity, collaboration, active participation, building alliances, resolving conflicts, and reflective, intellectual inquiry. Future teachers should conduct themselves with the professionalism that is required of practicing teachers. In assignments and discussion postings, never provide names or identifying information about other people (students, other professionals, or parents). For confidentiality, you should use pseudonyms for students and should not identify schools unless you are using information that is publicly available. All assignments should be your own original work, not group work, unless indicated in the assignment. All work should be original for this specific course, not something created previously. If you use ideas from other sources, you must provide a full citation using APA style name(s) of author(s); date of publication or retrieval date; title of article/book/web page; name and location of publisher (book), name of journal, or URL of website. DESCRIPTION OF Academic integrity As members of the academic community, Ƶ students are responsible for knowing and abiding by the  HYPERLINK "/academics/academic-affairs/academic-honesty-at-vsu.php" Academic Honesty Policy as set forth in the Student Code of Conduct. All students are expected to do their own work and to uphold a high standard of academic ethics. To ensure there are no chances for students to misunderstand what constitutes plagiarism, cheating, or prohibited collaboration across the University System of Georgia, this section will describe in some detail the behaviors which are viewed as academically dishonest. While students are likely to understand plagiarism as stealing someones words as their own, there are many types of plagiarism and academic dishonesty. Stealing Verbatim: This is exactly as it sounds. If, when composing an assignment, students take a sentence, a portion of a phrase, or even a unique expression which is not theirs, and submit it as their own (without quoting the original source), they have committed plagiarism. Sentences that are verbatim or nearly verbatim (more than 70% match) should be both quoted and cited. Use of Professional Resources Without Acknowledgement. Students may not use published professional resources; including lesson plans, learning activities, or PowerPoint presentations, without citing the source. Misquoting: If, when composing an assignment, students directly quote a source and cite it, but alter the authors words to strengthen their argument, they have committed plagiarism. Paraphrasing or Summarizing Without Citing: An allowable practice in academia is for students to take an authors words, change the words (without changing the meaning) so that it better fits their narrative. Paraphrasing goes beyond changing a couple of words. However, even when paraphrasing or summarizing another authors words, students must cite that original source. If they do not cite the original source, they have effectively stolen the original authors idea and have committed plagiarism. Duplicating Publication: Students may not reuse or recycle any previous assignments used in another course, or in any other published venue, without the explicit permission from the course instructor. Duplication of Peer Student Work: Students may not submit assignments that duplicate in whole or part the work of other students, with or without the other student's express consent or knowledge. Cheating on Exams - Utilize only authorized materials during proctored exams. Additionally, sharing information with other students before or after an exam is also considered cheating. Unauthorized Collaboration - Work individually on assignments unless your professor approves group work. Falsification -It is a violation of academic honesty to misrepresent material or fabricate information in an academic exercise, assignment or proceeding. Additionally, it is a violation of the Academic Honesty policy for authorized users to knowingly share passwords, PINs, or any other means of access to their BlazeVIEW courses with unauthorized persons or for the purpose of dishonorable or unethical conduct related to their academic work. Unauthorized Use or Distribution of Copyrighted Material in Ƶ Courses -Unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material occurs when a student utilizes, reproduces, or distributes copyrighted material without written permission by the copyright owner. Unauthorized use or distribution of ANY Ƶ course material is expressly prohibited. This includes sharing any information about Ƶ courses with websites or any other third party. Additionally, copying or buying copyrighted Ƶ course materials is prohibited. Tutoring" Services-If a "tutoring" service provides solutions to course assignments, this is considered cheating. Legitimatetutoringservices will never directly give answers to course assignments Note: Assignments in this course may be checked electronically for plagiarism. By taking this course, you agree that all required course work may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to Turnitin, a tool within BlazeVIEW/GoView. For more information on the use of Turnitin at Ƶ see HYPERLINK "http://www.valdosta.edu/academics/academic-affairs/turnitin-for-students.php" Turnitin for Students . Course work documents may include but are not limited to papers, blog postings, journal entries, presentations, discussion postings, emails, or any other written work, in electronic or hardcopy, submitted in the format and on the schedule required by the course instructor. TITLE IX STATEMENT Ƶ (Ƶ) upholds all applicable laws and policies regarding discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex (including sexual harassment and pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, religion, age, veteran status, political affiliation, or disability. The University prohibits specific forms of behavior that violate Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities that receive federal funding. Ƶ considers sex discrimination in any form to be a serious offense. Title IX refers to all forms of sex discrimination committed against others, including but not limited to: sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual misconduct, and sexual violence by other employees, students or third parties and gender inequity or unfair treatment based on an individuals sex/gender. The designated Title IX Coordinator for Ƶ is Ms. Selenseia Holmes. To view the full policy or to report an incident visit: HYPERLINK "/administration/student-affairs/title-ix/" /administration/student-affairs/title-ix/ ACCESS STATEMENT Students with disabilities who are experiencing barriers in this course may contact the Access Office ( HYPERLINK "/student/disability/" /student/disability/) for assistance in determining and implementing reasonable accommodations. The Access Office is located in University Center Room 4136 Entrance 5. The phone numbers are 229-245-2498 (V), 229-375-5871. For more information, please visit Ƶs Access Office or email: HYPERLINK "mailto:access@valdosta.edu" access@valdosta.edu. To request reasonable accommodations for pregnancy and childbirth, contact Ms. Myia Miller, Title IX Compliance Officer, at HYPERLINK "mailto:maburden@valdosta.edu" maburden@valdosta.edu. Please note, you will be required to provide documentation from an appropriately licensed medical professional indicating the requested accommodations are medically necessary. ACADEMIC SUPPORT CENTER The Academic Support Center (ASC) provides free peer tutoring in core curriculum courses, including, math, writing, sciences, social sciences, humanities, and foreign languages and writing support for graduate courses. The ASC also provides supplemental instruction (tutor-led study group sessions) for historically difficult courses like biology, chemistry, geosciences, psychology and sociology, as well as academic success workshops. Online tutoring available through ThinkingStorm, which includes Writing Center support where you can submit drafts for feedback and get help with core courses when the ASC is closed. Call 229-333-7570 to make an appointment, email us at HYPERLINK "mailto:asc@valdosta.edu," asc@valdosta.edu,or visit the website HYPERLINK "http://www.valdosta.edu/asc" www.valdosta.edu/asc. ASC is located in Odum Library. MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS Diminished mental health, including significant stress, mood changes, excessive worry, or problems with eating and/or sleeping can interfere with optimal academic performance. The source of symptoms might be strictly related to your course work; if so, please speak with me. However, problems with relationships, family worries, loss, or a personal struggle or crisis can also contribute to decreased academic performance. Ƶ provides mental health services to support the academic success of students. The Counseling Center offers free, confidential services to help you manage personal challenges. More information and resources are located at The Counseling Center website at: HYPERLINK "http://www.valdosta.edu/student/student-services/counseling-center/" http://www.valdosta.edu/student/student-services/counseling-center/. Twenty-four hour emergency help is also available through the University Police at 229-259-5555 who will contact on-call counselors or appropriate resources for support. STUDENT OPINION OF INSTRUCTION At the end of the term, all students will be expected to complete an online Student Opinion of Instruction survey (SOI) that will be available through SmartEvals. Students will receive an email notification through their Ƶ email address when the SOI is available (generally at least one week before the end of the term). SOI responses are anonymous to instructors/administrators, and they will be able to access results only after they have submitted final grades. Before final grade submission, instructors will not be able to see any responses, but they can see the percentage of students who have or have not completed their SOIs. While instructors will not be able to see student names, an automated system will send a reminder email to those who have yet to complete their SOIs. Students who withdraw or drop a course will also be sent invitations to complete the Dropped Course Survey. Complete information about the SOIs, including how to access the survey, is available on the HYPERLINK "/academics/academic-affairs/sois/welcome.php" SOI Procedures webpage. CLASS OR COURSE CALENDAR It is recommended you create a class or course calendar. It is not mandatory the calendar is part of the syllabus, but you can include it here or in a separate document. OTHER DOCUMENTATION: Many of you provide additional resources, contracts, etc in your course syllabus. Any additional item can be included, what is in this outline is the minimum.     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